In spring 2021 N365 ran a native campaign together with the Finnish Disc Golf Association (Suomen frisbeegolfliitto). The campaign helped increase the number of players with 63 percent compared to 2020.
“The collaboration has worked out excellent. At all times we felt that the campaign was created exclusively for us with a professional touch”, says Tapani Aulu, executive director at the Finnish Disc Golf Association.
The number of disc golf players has increased rapidly in Finland over the last couple of years, making it the fastest growing sport in the country. Unfortunately, though, the number of members in the Finnish Disc Golf Association hasn’t grown accordingly.
The Finnish Disc Golf Association, which hadn’t much experience of running digital ad campaigns, reached out to N365 with two goals: growing the disc golf clubs’ number of members with 1 000 and inform the target group about rules and etiquette in disc golf.
Native campaign in social media
N365 suggested a native campaign, where the traffic was led through paid social media ads to a site made exclusively for the campaign, filled with different articles on the topic. The articles led the readers to the disc golf association’s site, where they could register as members.
“The Finnish Disc Golf Association has done amazing work to develop the sport, but after discussions it appeared that “many stones have been left unturned”. We wanted to offer inspiring and informative content about the sport to players. Our award-winning native product was the perfect solution for this”, says Juhani Jahnukainen, N365’s country manager in Finland.
Goal was reached halfway
N365’s approach with content production, daily optimization and effective targeting resulted in reaching the goal of 1 000 new registered players already halfway through the campaign.
“A native campaign was clearly the right solution for us, and it worked even better than we’ve hoped for. The articles were spot on, chosen target groups great and the feedback from Facebook users was mainly positive”, says Tapani Aulu.

Tapani Aulu, executive director at the Finnish Disc Golf Association.
Added Snapchat to campaign strategy
The results of the campaign were evaluated weekly with the client. Throughout discussions it turned out that it had been challenging to reach young people. With this is mind, N365 developed a new campaign strategy focusing on reaching younger age groups through a new channel. In June 2021 a Snapchat-campaign went live.
The Finnish Disc Golf Association has been satisfied with the collaboration since start.
“The communication and collaboration have been exemplary. At all times we felt that the campaign was created exclusively for us with a professional touch. We got what we asked for, but more importantly we could trust that everything would keep on rolling even without our involvement”, says Tapani Aulu.
If you want to know more about N365’s advertising solutions in the Finnish market, contact Juhani Jahnukainen: +358 45 672 3334, [email protected].
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