Despite a demanding year, N365 Norway increased their distribution profit by a staggering 55 percent in 2020.
When the pandemic forced all employees to work from home there was a lot of uncertainty about how the year would unfold. However, 2020 turned out to be the best one since the establishment of the Norwegian office. The distribution profit increased by 55 percent, while the operating profit also had a significant upswing compared to 2019.
“We were very anxious of how the pandemic would affect us. Close dialogue with our clients and good results ensured that we were able to keep the trust from our partners, despite a great deal of uncertainty. We were also lucky enough to add some new clients, which further contributed to the strong growth in 2020,” says Ida Christine Johannessen, Managing Editor of N365 in Norway.
Johannessen highlights good client relations as one of the most important driving forces. Even though the results really sky rocketed last year, a strong foundation has been laid during the last couple of years.
“Most of our clients have been with us for several years. Some of the new ones that came in during 2020 actually contacted us based on recommendations from those we already work with, which we obviously appreciate a lot.”
Close client contact and an international recipe for success
With the facts in hand, it is also clear how important it is to remain calm and have a good dialogue with the clients through, among other things, regular reporting.
“We always deliver thorough reports to our clients on a weekly basis. This has contributed to building confidence in our process and provides a comprehensive picture of the results we deliver over time. During the pandemic, we therefore realized there was no need to lower budgets. After consulting the clients, we instead we chose to increase budgets during periods where this was possible,” Johannessen explains.
Good support from the rest of the N365 organization has also been invaluable during a very demanding year. In a situation, where working from home has become the new normal, close digital contact has been important to deliver results and maintaining good client relations.
“We have many clients who run campaigns with us across several countries, and we share experiences and knowledge with our colleagues in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, England, and the USA. This provides strong conditions for delivering great results. With digital meeting places like Microsoft Teams, it has become very straight forward to have close contact with both colleagues and clients, no matter where they are,” says Johannessen.
Aiming for continued growth in 2021
As part of the Caybon Group (formerly Mediaplanet Group), there are also a lot of resources available internally throughout the organization. This is reflected in an ever-increasing portfolio of companies within the Caybon family. Which now consists of N365, Mediaplanet, Appelberg, and the recent addition Splay One.
The target this year is to build on the positive trend. This also means hiring new employees.
“In the beginning of April, we increased the Norwegian staff, and we are planning to bring in another colleague during the year,” Johannessen concludes.
For any further questions, please contact Ida Johannessen via email at [email protected].