Digital native advertising and text production
Scope and commitment
Branding of the UK as a destination for a Scandinavian audience

VisitBritain chose N365 for campaign across three markets
VisitBritain was looking for a content partner who can write inspiring content for the Scandinavian audience.
N365 were chosen for the task, and the result was campaigns in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
“N365 has produced very good articles about the UK as a destination, which has resulted in high reach, commitment and actual bookings”, says Helena Hansen, Marketing & Communications Manager Nordics at VisitBritain.
Many Scandinavians travel to the UK, but the majority only visit London and the capital’s most famous landmarks, such as Big Ben and Trafalgar Square.
VisitBritain wants more people to discover other things the UK has to offer, and want to inspire their target groups with good content.
“We need a content partner who knows how to write interesting articles adapted for Scandinavian travelers and who also ensures that there is high reach and commitment to what is produced. N365 has proven to meet these needs very well.”
Helena Hansen, Marketing & Communications Manager Nordics at VisitBritain
Before each campaign start, the team at N365 undertook research, before suggesting angles that fit VisitBritain’s guidelines and target groups.
The material was produced in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish for VisitBritain’s websites. The distribution then took place via Facebook advertising.
“N365 is a great partner for us. The fact that they are active in all three Scandinavian markets has really made it easier for us who want to be seen simultaneously in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. N365 has taken on our assignments with great interest and commitment.”
Helena Hansen, Marketing & Communications Manager Nordics at VisitBritain